are not anti developmental people. Dravida Peravai had mooted many
developmental plans, discussed it with Planning Commission Member Dr.S.B.Gupta
and met the Union Minister for State of External
Affairs Digvijay Singh to urge for the TENTH DEGREE
CANAL PROJECT. This was published in center page of Dinamani in al edition
coverage with New Delhi
August 15 th
2003, from Pondicherry Dravida Peravai wrote a letter to the Lt.Governor of
Andaman and Nicibar Mr.N.N.Jha on the need to dig a canal in Thailand connecting Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Siam. It also urged that such
Indo-Thailand joint venture be named as Thamizhan Calvaay. (Daily Thanthi
15.08.2003). Then Dinamani dated 28.08.2003 stated that a memorandum for
construction of a " New Canal for benefiting Chennai and Tuticorin Harbor’s”
had been handed over to the Union Minister of State for External Affairs
Mr.Digvijay Singh. Mr.Singh lauded this project which will reduce 1500 nautical
miles to reach South
China Seas.
Then Dravida Peravai sent Memorandums to Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee and Thailand Prime Minister Thakashin Shinawatra on 3.11.2003. The contents
of that memorandum are given here.
Dear Respected Prime Ministers
You may be aware
that the Suez Canal (1869) and Panama Canal (1915), Sethusamudram Canal
(1860) and the Tenth degree canal have been mooted to create short navigational
routes to bring prosperity to respective regions and countries. The French
initiative to build Siene-Norde
Canal is an example for
the keen interest evinced by developed countries to promote trade and overall
development. Since the recent visit of The Indian Prime Minister had given
tremendous boos to the cooperation between India and Thailand, Dravida Peravai
is bringing to your knowledge certain historical facts with the humble request
to you both to take an active interest for the construction of the Tenth Degree
Canal, which can bring prosperity to Andaman and Nicobar islands of India and
Thailand apart from boosting bilateral trade.
You must go back
to the pages of history to know that Thailand
then known as Siam is an
enemy country of the British and an ally of the Japan during the World War II. On
the conclusion of the Second World War one of the last secretive acts performed
by the colonial Government of India was the signing of a Peace Treaty with Siam [Thailand]. A Peace Treaty between
Her Majesty's Government and the Government of India on one hand and the Kingdom of Siam on the other on January 1, 1946 at
the Government House Singapore. The signatories were for the Britain Mr. Moberly Dening, political adviser of
Lord Louis Mount batten for the Government of India M, S.Aney AND for Siam Prince
Viwat Anajai Jaiyant, Lt.General Phya Abhai Songramm and Nai Serm Vinichayakul.
This treaty contains 24 articles. Out of this Article 7 assumes great
importance in context of this letter.
Article 7: Siam undertakes to construct NO CANAL linking
the Indian Ocean and Gulf
of Siam [i.e. across the
Kra of Isthmus] without British consent. [Keesing’s Contemporary Archives
1946-47 Vol VI p 7695]. This article had done great havoc to Indian shipping
costing our nation billions of extra money by way of fuel imports, in view of
shelving of the Tenth
Degree Canal
by imposing a condition in the Peace Treaty. It has also blocked the economic
prosperity of Thailand
and held up the development process by half a century and more.
Hence Dravida
Peravai urges the Government of India and Government of Thailand to look into
the unfavorable condition imposed by a colonial rule that too at the threshold
of a defeat in World War II. It is in the interests of India and Thailand that
a Canal be cut across the Isthmus of Kra where Isthmus narrows to just 75 miles
and to develop this canal vigorously so that a detour of 1500 nautical miles
down the Malayan coast via Straits of Malacca and up the Gulf of Thailand in
the South China Sea is avoided.
The proposed
tenth degree canal will be an extension of the tenth degree channel of Andaman
Nicobar islands. The opening of Tenth Degree canal will save millions of tons
of fuel for world shipping. Tenth Degree Canal
will reduce the importance of Panama
and Suez Canals. Tenth
Degree Canal
would develop Andaman and Nicobar islands and
bring prosperity to its economy. The opening of this canal will also benefit
Indian Ports like Haldia, Paradip, Vizag, Chennai and Tuticorin.
There are more
than 138 minor and intermediary ports under the control of various state governments
in India.
If Indian Government creates a National Seaway Authority and permits private
sector vessels to transport cargo and passengers connecting all Indian ports,
these 138 minor and intermediary ports which are inoperable will be busting
with activity.................So continues the memorandum.
It must be noted
that Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee spoke about
"Sagarmala" scheme which is nothing but National Seaway mooted by
Dravida Peravai before Planning Commission and other forums.
The future will
evaluate all and we have submitted about our activities for future to decide.
Tamils must understand that Anna the visionary had left a legacy and it will
always remain looking forward for the human upward march towards rational
N.Nandhivarman General Secretary

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